The renewal and rebirth of my photography
It is probably rare that a photographer can say that one image was the catalyst their photography, but that is how it happened for me. The image of the pink poppy flower (below) was that photograph.
For fifteen years, I was a natural history and scientific photographer, and learned to work with light in the dark. In just-above-freezing water, at night, in the vernal pools of the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, I photographed the springtime emergence of frogs and salamanders. (I finally figured out that a 7mm wetsuit would make this endeavor much more enjoyable!) However, after I departed my career as an academic scientist, my connection and calling to photography diminished, and I barely made a photograph for five years.
During that time, I spent much time in retreat, reflection, and connecting to my deeper purpose and lifework.
In my work with higher dimensions of consciousness, I use sacred geometries of energy to convey soul awakening awareness, healings, and open creative pathways. Over time, the flow and movement of sacred geometry has become like breathing, infusing all the I do. (My husband can even taste the different energies in food that I cook).

With hindsight, it was natural, then, that sacred geometry began to flow into and through my photography. One day, with serendipity, a workshop that I planned to attend was cancelled, and I substituted a photography workshop instead for that week. Sharing photographs publicly for the first time in many years, I was struck by the response of people to viewing different images, and, in particular, the illuminated flower. The images were of high quality, visually speaking, but this did not fully explain the strength of the response and emotion that people shared about the images. I considered the particular photographs — how and when they were created — and I suddenly realized that the sacred geometries, part of the non-physical reality that I was perceiving and working with while making the photographs, were being “conveyed” through the image.
Yes, they saw the image of the physical subject, but they were ALSO receiving the emanations of the higher dimensional, non-physical energies (“sacred light”) that I was experiencing as I made the photograph.
In other words, the sacred geometries in my own energy and awareness as I created a photograph became essentially part of the image. Our energy field and awareness were One. The photograph “recorded” not only the reflected light of the subject (e.g., colors and shapes), but also my energy field and connection to expanded realms of consciousness.
At that moment, I realized that my photographs — actually multi-dimensional energy-images — could be easily accessible vehicles of awakening and healing. They could “carry” the energy of sacred geometries to many, many people — any one that viewed them — even if I was not physically present. My deep soul-level connection creates a bridge to these higher frequency energies and planes of consciousness (e.g., sacred geometry) that then flows into the photograph-making and visual creation.
With this new awareness, photography re-entered my work and service to individuals and the planet. Each image on this website is an offering and blessing of my higher vision, with the intention that it may connect you more deeply with the beauty of Life and the knowing of your true essence. I wish the joy, uplift, and healing that comes with connection with the whole and sacred Source to all who seek it.
In my photography, the energetic quality of an image is foremost, and the visual quality is a secondary consideration. What you experience on this website is only the best of both.
Therefore, in most respects, I do not consider myself to be a photographer. Or an artist. I am a visionary, soul guide, and way-shower to new paths of energy and awareness that are opening on Earth. My photography expresses my higher vision and creates energetic connections to this new potential reality. Deep Love resonates within me when sharing the beauty of our world with others, that we may celebrate what is truly possible to perceive, to create, and to be in Life.
To view galleries of my highest vibrational images, please visit my photography website and the “orchid portraits” section of my Ancient Energy Orchids website.