The Yosemite Valley where I have spent much time, with deep connection to its ley lines and energy nodes, is quite different from the Yosemite Valley overflowing with thousands of tourists in the summer months. As you will note from my photographs, most are from autumn and winter, when the Sierra winter descends and the day becomes very short in the narrow valley, with “sunset” behind at the 4000′ (1220m) valley walls by around 2pm. For most of these journeys and vistas, there are but a handful of people passing through, and a scattering of rock climbers on the famous granite walls. A very different Yosemite Valley indeed.
The difference reaches far beyond the physical surroundings, and relative quiet of a national park during the off-season. In the right alignments, there are galactic doorways and openings to distant times in planetary history. Fascinating in their own right, but of interest to me for the resolution and uplift of the many destructions and cataclysms that have occurred in these long-forgotten eras, existing beyond conventional memory and history.
As I have written about in other locations (e.g., Peru), the sad but current state of many planetary ley lines is one of disruption and fractionalization. These disruptions are not simple in the “point A” to “point B” sense of a linear line or landscape, as the ley lines themselves are non-linear and multi-dimensional. Therefore, if you wish to quest for the restoration and reconnection of planetary energies and ley lines, you must journey across BOTH time and space to the origins of the disruptions.
Unless you reach the origin of a disruption to Source energy, the distortion or disease — whether it be planetary or for an individual — will likely recreate itself. In this way, “healing” generally occurs at a point in time-space quite distant from the current manifestation. When you reach the origination point, and re-establish essential wholeness (“heal”) from that reference point, then the restoration extends across all time-spaces.
This unbounded restoration, inside and outside of space-time, is how I approach my work (both for individuals and for planetary service). It is much more difficult and demanding than a temporal “healing” or restoration because the core disruption is not always obvious. Few would envision Yosemite Valley as a reflection of planetary disruption — quite the opposite in most people’s awareness. However, the seemingly perfect beauty is a relative temporal perspective.
When seen from the vastness of planetary and galactic history, the so-called Yosemite Valley, as it is now perceived in this physical reference point, is a nexus point of great energy and considerable conflict. Usually, in a disrupted planetary system such as this, when there is greater energy, there is greater interest and contention for access to that power and influence. As I noted above, one point in perceived space-time can affect a vastness of places, souls, and dimensional times.
I hope that this expands your perspective of the true grandeur of “Yosemite Valley” and invites your vision into the time-spaces beyond the physical beauty of these following photographs. I have selected these with the intention of only offering the most high vibrational and uplifting energies, that you may share in this work of elevation, restoration, and planetary renewal.
An introduction to the ley lines and energy nodes of Yosemite Valley …