Amaru Muru Gate at the Valley of the Spirits
Towards the southern end of Lake Titcaca, there is a large, unusual rock named Amaru Muru in a region called the “Valley of the Spirits.” Renowned as part of the Lake Titicaca ley line and energy node, Amaru Muru has been the site of much spiritual and energetic speculation, and is one of the more famous ancient sacred energy sites of Peru.
Once upon a time, the site of Amaru Muru was considered a “stargate” or inter-dimensional access point on planetary energetic grid. The concentration of high vibrational energy at the intersection of the Lake Titicaca ley lines had produced an unique energy node at Amaru Muru. We were fortunate to visit on a solar eclipse (May 20, 2012) and travel the “Valley of the Spirits” on foot for several hours with a local guide.
As with many sacred energy sites that we visited in the Peruvian Andes on that trip, we were saddened and disappointed by what we discovered at the once powerful energy node of Amaru Muru. The high vibrational qualities of Amaru Muru energy node were much diminished from previous times. In fact, there were notable lower vibrational intrusions and darker energies present in Valley of the Spirits. Many levels of disruption to Lake Titicaca ley lines have diminished the once energetic power and grandeur of this location. There is much more than I can say about this in the bigger picture of sacred energy sites in Peru … I share more perspective in my article on Andean sacred sites.
While I do not consider these to be particularly high vibrational images, compared to most that I normally share, I would like to offer a few photographs from the area to acquaint you with the contemporary status of the Lake Titicaca ley line in the area near Amaru Muru, including the energy nodes of Inca Tonuhuire and Valley of the Spirits.
Inca Tonohuire

Amaru Muru & Valley of the Spirits