We were having a discussion today about the energetics of “dumb problems” caused by people enacting unconscious thought patterns. It’s important to have a clear focus to move through these, so you don’t get drained by the unproductive dynamics. In other words, keeping your eye on the elevating solution rather than the stuck energy of others.
In our case, it was about how my mother was going to pick up someone at the hospital with a snow storm on the way. There were all sorts of ideas that kept repeating — sleeping in the hospital waiting room, paying for another night at the hospital out-of-pocket, etc. My husband got on the phone and told her to call him at the time of the pick-up and he would get an Uber ride. So much drama (for everyone) was potentially eliminated by proposing an effective and direct solution. It was now up to the other party to step up to receive the solution or just keep cycling in their perceptions of the “problem.”