Many people retain child-like views of life and creation into adulthood. Which leads to a lot of unhappiness, frustration, and even (bitter) disappointment. “Happily ever after” is an idea from a story. It doesn’t have much to do with the adult levels of relationship, spiritual maturity, authentic creativity, and evolution of consciousness. The inner/outer conflicts of child and adult perceptions and ideas are the source of a lot of disruption, misunderstanding, and poorly guided life direction.
Where do your child/adult expectations come from? Are they rooted in seemingly forgotten stories and role models? Did anyone exemplify the natural evolution of relationships to you — connection, co-creation, and then, co-evolution or separation? There’s often a vise-like grip on one of the stages, which stagnates all of the energy flows and potential expansion of consciousness.
Relationships in this sense can be with another person, with a chosen type of work/creation, with a place, or with a spiritual practice or teaching. Absolute relationships do not inherently exist in temporality. Rather, change, movement, and re-organization are fundamental.
There are vast possibilities of expression, flow, and evolution. But instead of the vast possibility, most beings seek a small corner of suspended animation, which has a sense of familiarity and security. But it is inherently a defensive position, maintaining a status quo in face of great evolutionary currents, on the soul level, planetary level, galactic level and beyond.