Macchu Picchu & Huanya Picchu
Anyone who has traveled with me will know that I have the “luck” (or blessing) of weather. This image of Macchu Picchu at dawn was created on our first day of arrival at this (pre) Incan sacred site — AND the first clear day of the year after the 2012 rainy season. Clear and radiant in so many ways. While the visual center of Macchu Picchu is the stone ruins of the large living and ceremonial complex, the sacred energy centers are in the mountains around this human-created plateau.
The highlight of our visit was the top of Huanya Picchu (or Wayna Picchu), the VERY steep triangular mountain at the top left of the image above. Yes! There is a pathway and (old crumbling) stairs to the top. And yes! Paul, my husband, and I climbed to to the very summit for one of the finest multi-dimensional views on Earth.
I’ll never quite understand how we were fortunate to obtain tickets to climb Huayna Picchu. (Access is limited to a few hundred people per day in a few time slots). We arrived at the ticket counter in the nearby town of Aquas Calientes to wait in line. My spoken Spanish is good enough to understand that preceding people in line were turned down. But we had nothing to lose to wait and ask. When we did, I inquired if there might be a waiting list … and for reasons beyond my Spanish comprehension, the agent gave us two tickets for the next day.
One of the unique features of my photography is my intentional use of expanded awareness to transmit not only the visual experience of a location, but also the deeper reality present by the transient physical structures. I invite you to experience these multi-dimensional images of Macchu Picchu and the nearby megaliths of Ollantaytambo through this crystalline lens of possibility, opening your awareness to non-linear time and space at this powerful Andean sacred site.
Sacred Sites of the Andes: Macchu Picchu & Huanya Picchu

Select Images from the nearby Megaliths of Ollantaytambo