Note: it doesn’t matter when you read this post — the energies and transmissions of awareness are outside-of-time. No matter when and where you are, you can connect with the elevation and openings that the 2017 total solar eclipse initiated on behalf of millions of beings and the planetary system.
And the skies were clear …
As promised in my post on the alignments for the coming solar eclipse, I would share photos if the (physical) skies were clear. Despite a sudden influx of smoke from nearby forest fires, as you can see, we had a dramatically clear and cloudless morning!
I’m not so inclined to story-telling from my planetary service work, partly because personalization dilutes or distorts the clarity of the higher vibrational transmission; partly because multi-dimensional, non-linear creations are difficult to meaningfully describe in English; and partly because a lot of the experience is rather awful as concentrated destructive and castastrophic energies are elevated and cleared.
This long series of clearings and re-connections, extending well before and after the physical eclipse was certainly no different! Arriving home at 3:30am the next morning, departing Idaho about 14 hours earlier, Paul and I certainly looked (and felt) relatively bedraggled, grateful for the large-scale clearings and soul group elevations that brilliantly came to fruition.
Within the vastness and complexity of the days, I can share a snippet of one of the strangest physical manifestations of planetary and soul clearing that I’ve experienced. We’ll be remembering this one for a long time.
We arrived at the parking lot of a mountain pass, near the center line of the path of eclipse totality. There was some work to be done in this area, and after completing the clearing, we left quickly, as is our custom to avoid being caught in the outflow of energies. As we were driving away, Paul saw a photo that he wanted to send to someone and we turned around. Uh oh.
As we pulled back into parking area and stopped the car, I saw a large vortex of swirling dust and debris descending the side of the mountain slope across the road from us. Very quickly. It swept across the road, in front of the car, and reached the line of portable toilets at the edge of parking area. Can you guess where this is going?
The wind/debris vortex flung open the door of one of the porta-potties, turning it into a plastic sail. It lifted up and propelled across the parking area, directly towards the front of the Subaru. I was imagining the call to the car insurance company as Paul was putting the car into reverse. To my surprise (and relief), the flying toilet stopped a few feet from the bumper and the vortex continued over the railing and down the mountain. Wow.
I’ll spare you photos of the porte-potty. But I would like to share the movement of sacred Light in landscape images from where we made our eclipse connection, beginning at sunrise and ending just after noon, when the fullness of sunlight returned.
I hope the openings and re-connections from this work are meeting your soul. I’ve already been fortunate to be contacted (within a day) by a person on the other side of the world (from Thailand!) who deeply recognized the new energetic expansion, and, as she described in her session with me, that it was time for a “soul upgrade.”
Many blessings, and may uplifting, vibrant new soul energies guide your coming days and weeks.